Google adsense optimization tips

Posted by Unknown

adsense, what is google adsense, earn with adsenseWhat is Google AdSense? 

Google AdSense is a free program run by Google that allows you to display Google adverts on your blog/website and pays you everytime someone clicks on one of these ads. Just submit your blog to Google for approval and after your content has been approved, you are ready to place AdSense ads on your website.  But beware, Google AdSense doesn't approve any sites! According to AdSense policy you are not allowed to do the following things:

1) Do not click on your own AdSense ads by any way.
2) Do not increase AdSense ad impressions with some automating tools.
3) Don’t ask others to click on your ads.
4) Don’t alter the AdSense code other than fonts and colors.
5) Don’t put AdSense code on adult or prohibited content.

Some basic optimization tips can double your AdSense revenue, so i've added a list of some of the best Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money from the Google Adsense program.

Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

1) Place the Adsense ads above the main fold that user can see your ad units without scrolling down on your site. This will increase your Ads Click Through Rate (CTR)

Because browsers and screen sizes vary, Google has created a nice tool that allows you to enter any URL, and check whether you've implemented your ads above the fold.

2) The best performing ad units for AdSense are:

250×250 Square
160×600 wide skyscraper
336×280 large rectangle
300×250 medium rectangle

Use them wisely. I suggest you to place 250 x 250 size ad units at the top of every post and align it at the right or left side of the post content. The 160×600 ad format can easily fit in the sidebar of your blogger blog.

3) You can use the following “heat map” provided by Google to analyze other top performing ad placement slots. You should concentrate on the areas with darker orange color which represents the hot spots of the ads slots. (see in the image below)

blogger blog, what is adsense, google analytics

4) Text ads are good for the first Google Ad unit. I also recommend you to place a 300×250 unit in the sidebar (or somewhere below the fold) – these generally serve CPM based ads and will help you monetize visits from places like Digg and StumbleUpon.

5) Ads placed in-between the content can also perform well. If you have small posts then put ads at the top of the page content. If you have big post then ad units placed at the bottom or middle of the post.

6) Do not use borders to your text ads or use them wisely.

7) To blend, choose the colors that match with the colors of your website: for example if your site background is black, you will put the same background for your Adsense ads. If your links are blue, then select the color blue for Adsense links. If your titles are red, then make your Adsense block titles red.

8) To complement, use colors that already exist on your site, but don't match the background and borders exactly where the ads are placed.

9) To contrast, choose colors that stand out against the background of your site. Contrasting is recommended only for sites with dark background, so we suggest using an ad style with white background, white borders, and blue titles. (google hints)

10) Use link units near the site navigation bar. The main advantages of this placement, are that they can perform well and you don't need too much Ad space on your site. This way, your site looks clean and also, your visitors will be annoyed.

11) Study your keywords and the target ads to these keywords. Usually, Google Adsense crawler searches for the first or second paragraph to target ads to that page so don't forget to add your page-targeted keywords at the beginning of your post.

12) MFA (made for AdSense) sites are websites created around AdSense keywords, and often, these are poor quality sites with little or no original content. Use Allow and block ads feature to block low paying or irrelevant ads showing on your site. And be careful when you're doing this, sometimes one ad unit can give you $0.01 in one country and $1 in other country.

13) Use Google Adsense ad preview tool to view what ads are showing on your site.

14) Many times you can earn you more AdSense revenue from Image search engines than with the regular web traffic. Upload good quality images and use text captions with alt tags to make sure that blog images rank good in Image Search results.

15) Add a search box at the top left region of your blog and use the word "search" in the submit button otherwise visitors might be confused and might not notice it. If you use a second search box, put it at the bottom of your pages.

If you have any other suggestions, write a comment below.
Good luck!
More aboutGoogle adsense optimization tips

Add Page Peel effect with jQuery & CSS to Blogger

Posted by Unknown

page peel for blogger
You may saw this awesome trick used by many professional and other Websites/Blogs.This Page peel is used to Show ads ,this page peel attract Blog visitors and they may have the tendency to click on ad and your earnings increases.Also this page peel can be used to increase your Subscribers.Here I am going to show you how to add a page peel trick to Blogger blog.

Click the link below to view demo

Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
  • Copy the below code inside <head>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Add page peel effect to blogger blog 

Step 2 : 
  • Go to Design->Edit HTML
  • Copy and paste the below code above </head>
<style type='text/css'>
img { behavior: url( }
#pageflip {
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;
float: right;
#pageflip img {
width: 50px; height: 52px;
z-index: 99;
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
#pageflip .back-img {
width: 50px; height: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;z-index:98;
background: url( no-repeat right top #fff;
</style><a href=''><img src=''/></a><script type='text/javascript'>
//Page Flip on hover
$(&quot;#pageflip&quot;).hover(function() {
$(&quot;#pageflip img , .back-img&quot;).stop()
    width: &#39;307px&#39;,
    height: &#39;319px&#39;
    }, 500);
    } , function() {
    $(&quot;#pageflip img&quot;).stop()
    width: &#39;50px&#39;,
    height: &#39;52px&#39;
    }, 220);
    width: &#39;50px&#39;,
    height: &#39;50px&#39;
    }, 200);
Step 3:
<div id='pageflip'>
<a href=' '><img alt='netoops blog' src=''/></a>
<div class='back-img'/>
Change can the RED highlighted text with url image url that you want,else leave it default(needn't change)
Change the BLUE highlighted text with your feed URL or place your advertisement
  •  Save the Template
You are done..! If any problem persists please do comment.
More aboutAdd Page Peel effect with jQuery & CSS to Blogger

Add Social Bookmarking Buttons near Adsense Ads

Posted by Unknown

The main advantages of this widget is that you can increase your AdSense impressions along with CTR - and of course, fill up the empty space besides Adsense units, making your blog look more attractive.

Adding the social bookmarking buttons at the top of your blogger post, will make things easier when your readers will want to share your posts via the networking sites. The widget includes buttons for, Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Technorati and Digg.

How to add this widget:

1. Firstly, login to your Blogger Dashboard and go to Template and then click on the Edit HTML button
 (don't forget to make a backup of your template)

2. Search (CTRL + F) for the following tag:


3. Paste the following CSS code just above it:

.ads{margin-bottom:10px; border-top:solid 1px #DEDEDE; padding-top:10px; font-size:13px;}
.ads-right-min{border-left:solid 1px #DEDEDE; height:250px; padding-left:10px;}
.ads-right-min a:link,
.ads-right-min a:visited,
.bottom-share-links a:link,
.bottom-share-links a:visited{
.ads-right-min a:hover,
.bottom-share-links a:hover{color:#666;}
.mini-tech{background:url( no-repeat;}
.mini-facebook{background:url( no-repeat;}
.mini-tweet{background:url( no-repeat;}
.mini-del{background:url( no-repeat;}
.mini-stumble{background:url( no-repeat;}
.mini-digg{background:url( no-repeat;}

4) Now search - using "CTRL+F" - for the following line:

<div class='post-body entry-content'>

 If you can't find it, search for this one:

<div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; +'>

5) Add the following code directly below it:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='ads'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
<td width='354'>
&lt;script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client=&quot;pub-YOUR PUBLISHER ID&quot;;
&lt;script src=&#39;; type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;&gt;
<td><div class='ads-right-min'>
<a class='mini-del' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Add To'>Add This To</a>
<a class='mini-tweet' expr:href='&quot; &quot; + data:post.title + &quot; &quot; + data:post.url' target='_blank' title='Post this article on Twitter'>Tweet/ReTweet This</a>
<a class='mini-facebook' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Share On Facebook'>Share on Facebook</a>
<a class='mini-stumble' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Stumble This'>StumbleUpon This</a>
<a class='mini-tech' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url' target='_blank' title='Add To Technorati'>Add to Technorati</a>
<a class='mini-digg' expr:href='&quot;;url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Digg This'>Digg This</a>

Replace YOUR PUBLISHER ID with your AdSense account ID. You'll find it with the Home tab, on your "Account settings" page. It should look something like this:

pub-5623269265862168 (copy only the numbers and then paste them)

6) Save template... and just go to one of your post to see the changes!
More aboutAdd Social Bookmarking Buttons near Adsense Ads

AdSense optimization tips straight from Google

Posted by Unknown

Do you use Google AdSense to monetize your site? Then check out these top 5 optimization tips straight from Google!

Top AdSense Optimization Tips

1. Maximize your AdSense coverage
In order to maximize your earnings, place three AdSense ad units and three link units on each of your pages. The more ads you display, the more opportunities you have for your users to engage with them.

Also, because some ads are paid on a cost-per-impression (CPM) basis, you will often be paid just for displaying the ads, regardless whether a user clicks on them.

2. Place your ads above the fold
Ads that appear higher on the page perform the best. Place your ads so users can see them without scrolling down the page. The more a user has to scroll before finding your ads, the less likely they are to see them and to click on them.

3. Use the best performing ad units
Our advertisers’ preferred ad units are the Leaderboard (728×90), the Medium Rectangle (300×250) and the Wide Skyscraper (160×600). By using these popular ad units, you’ll be tapping into a larger pool of competing ads. More ad inventory leads to more competition in the ad auction and ultimately results in higher RPMs for our publishers.

4. Show text and image ads
Check your ad units and make sure that you’ve opted-in to displaying text and image ads. By diversifying your ads, you’re able to increase the available inventory for your site. With most text ads paid on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis and most image ads paid on a cost-per-impression (CPM) ad, you can let AdSense determine which ads will maximize your earnings.

5. Complement your content with your ads
Your AdSense ads should fit seamlessly within your site to improve your users’ experience. Blend the color of your ads to match the rest of your site and remove the borders around your ad units to help your ads complement your content and enhance your site.

Bonus Tip: Opt-in to Placement Targeting
Set up Custom Channels in your AdSense account and opt-in to Placement Targeting. Placement targeting allows our advertisers to bid on a specific ad or group of ad placements on your site. Advertisers are usually willing to bid more for targeted units.

Have additional questions? Check out

And that’s it. At the end of the day, it's all about testing your ads and monitoring how they perform for you on your site. Good luck!
More aboutAdSense optimization tips straight from Google

Wrap text around Adsense block in left or right corner

Posted by Unknown

Maybe you have wondered how to wrap text around an Adsense block. You may have noticed that many Wordpress blogs have ad units embedded in top left or right corner of the post content as shown in the picture below:


The main advantage of this Adsense ad placement is that it has the highest CTR on most of the blogs. Adding this ad unit is very simple and requires a code snippet before and after your regular Adsense ad script.

If you want to add a ad unit in top right corner of your post, then include the red lines below in your ad code:

<div style="float:right;">
Your Adsense ad script

If you want to place ad unit at left corner, change the float tag to "left":

<div style="float:left;">
Your Adsense ad script

The most appropriate for this ad placement is 250×250 square ad unit. Placing AdSense unit in the middle of the post, may disturb the reading flow, so I'd recommend to have ad units at the beginning of the post.

If you have any query adding this ad unit in your blog post, just leave a comment below.
More aboutWrap text around Adsense block in left or right corner

Change Animated favicon to Blogger blog

Posted by Unknown

Change favicon of blogger
Changing the favicon of your blog is a simple trick.By default blogger puts the blogger orange color logo to favicon.This can change to your blog logo.
Favicon appears next to the URL or title in the browser.If you have a logo of your blog then you can simply upload to blogger.Else there are many sites providing free favicon generator.See Netoops blog favicon on the top your browser.
Follow the instructions below.

  • Go to Design->Page Elements
  • You can see a small bar with blogger icon and a link EDIT click it.
  •  Then select your blog's logo by clicking Browse and click on Save.

Insert Animated Favicon

You can also insert Animated gif favicon.
  • Go to Favicon Generator
  • Upload your blog's logo and give scrolling text then click Generate favicon

 It will generate your animated favicon,right click on the icon shows there and Save it.Then upload to root of website or upload to free image uploading sites like tinypic you will get the link to image from there.
  • Go to Design->Edit HTML
  • Copy the following inside <head>
<link href='PLACE YOUR FAVICON LINK HERE' rel='icon' type='image/gif'/>
  • Then click save.
If any problem with this please inform via comment.Feel free to ask.
More aboutChange Animated favicon to Blogger blog

Color Code Generator

Posted by Unknown

hex codes, color chart, color codes
JQuery color picker plugin for selecting hex color code values. It can also be used to convert between HSL, HSV, RGB, Hex color code for the color you chose. It is also used for generating matching color schemes which makes it easy for you to select colors.

You can get this tool from here
More aboutColor Code Generator

How to submit your Blogger Sitemap to Google

Posted by Unknown

What are Sitemaps?

Sitemaps are text files containing a list of all web pages that exist on your website and are accessible to crawlers and users. These helps visitors and search engine bots to find pages on website. Sitemaps are a way to help Google indexing pages on your site which otherwise might not be discovered.

If your blog is hosted on (or if you are using a self-hosted version of Blogger with a custom domain) you will be surprised to find out that the default sitemap file, contains only the 26 most recent pages of your blog which in normal case should contain all URLs of a website.

Many webmaster pretend to teach others how to drive traffic to blogs or websites yet leaving out the most important factors like sitemaps. There are still other websites who keep on providing the old methods of generating a sitemap for blogger which are not any effective.

How to add a complete Sitemap for your Blogger Blog

Step 1: If you haven't done this already, sign-in to your Google Webmasters account and add your blog. For details, check this tutorial on how to add a blog to Google.

Step 2: Once your blog is added to Google, go to Webmaster Dashboard  and click on your site address

Step 3:  On the left panel choose Site Configuration >> Sitemaps - then click on Add sitemap.

Add each of the following codes:


If your blog have lots of pages, add the sitemaps below:

More aboutHow to submit your Blogger Sitemap to Google

Add Your Blogspot Blog to Google

Posted by Unknown

1) Log in to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

2) Click on the “Add a site” button at the top of the screen.

3) Enter the URL address of your blog (for example and press Continue

4) Select the method you would like to use to verify ownership.
You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify (which is not possible with Google Blogger account), or you can add a META tag to your site's index file.

Choose Alternate Methods:

5) Under Alternative Methods Click Add a meta tag to your site’s home page.

6) Copy the Meta tag Code generated.

7) Open a new tab and login into your blogger account.

8) Go to Template > Edit HTML

 ...and search (CTRL + F) for the following tag:


9) Just below of it, paste the META code and then click on the Save Template button.

10) Switch to Google Webmaster Tools tab and press on the "Verify" button.

Now your site is added to sitemap account and the verification is done.
More aboutAdd Your Blogspot Blog to Google

Add CSS codes into your blogger blog easily

Posted by Unknown

add css code easily in blogger blog
How to Add CSS codes to your blogger Blog easily.
Sometimes you may want to add CSS codes to your blog for styling blog elements or blog widgets,Many of us adding CSS code by going to Edit HTML and add codes before ]]></b:skin> and save template, Using this method by mistake  if any of the content in it deleted ,it my goes to your Template Crash.So there is a secure and alternate way to add CSS code as follows   .Here is a simple way to add CSS codes.

  •  Go to Design-> Template Designer (as shown in the figure)
add css codes in blogger easy way
Update [01/06/2012] : Select Template -> Customise   in New Upgraded Blogger Interface
  • Template Designer will open
  • Select Advanced -> Add CSS
  •  Place the CSS codes in the Text area.
  • Then you can see preview by clicking preview.
  • Save by click on Apply to Blog
More aboutAdd CSS codes into your blogger blog easily